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Daniela Boccadoro Ameri is a journalist and expert in Media Relations, Institutional Relations and in creating original formats for events. She is specialized in strategic planning in the fields of Digital PR, Social Media Management and Crisis Management for local and national public entities, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Founder & CEO of Ameri Communications, she is also the President of the Genova Smart City Association, President of Ente Bacini, Member of Confindustria Nazionale Grandi Eventi, Board Member of Porto Antico Spa, and Member of the Advisory Board for the Information and Publishing Degree Course at the University of Genoa. Additionally, she has been the creator and President of the Silver Economy Forum since 2018. She is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online magazine Altraeta.it and collaborates with economic and lifestyle publications as an expert in Cross Channel Targeting.
In 2012, she received the “Woman in Communication Agency” award from Bayer Italy. In the same year, she was honored by Prime Minister Monti, in the presence of Ministers Moavero and Riccardi, with an award for the best communication initiative for the elderly during the European Year of Active Ageing.