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Educating the New Generations in Smartcitizenship

In 2024, the project “Educating the New Generations in Smartcitizenship” kicked off, organized by the Genoa Smart City Association and promoted by the Municipality of Genoa.

The project aims to spread the culture of the smart city in Genoese schools to educate and sensitize young people on topics related to technology, innovation, sustainability, and inclusion. Throughout 2024, the meetings will continue involving numerous schools belonging to all nine districts that make up the Municipality of Genoa to ensure uniform territorial coverage and ensure that the initiative benefits as many students as possible.

The first two meetings will take place on Monday, February 19 (at 8:30 am) and Tuesday, February 20 (at 11:00 am), involving several classes of the Castelletto Comprehensive Institute at the IQBAL Theater of the Maria Mazzini headquarters.

The project

A smart city must ensure, in addition to the implementation of appropriate technological solutions, access to the knowledge necessary for a more effective use of digital tools, promoting personal and collective behaviors aimed at making our society increasingly resilient and sustainable in terms of economic development, environmental protection, human health, inclusion, and social justice. In this perspective, the role of institutions, schools, universities, cultural and social promotion associations, as well as companies and families themselves, is fundamental to educate the new generations in this sense and to lay the foundations for the development of smartcitizenship.

To this end, the Genoa Smart City Association has developed a training project, lasting one year, aimed at secondary schools belonging to the territorial area of the Municipality of Genoa. The priority theme on which the initiative focuses is the responsible and conscious use of digital devices, particularly focusing on the fundamental contribution that technology can offer to address the main global challenges of the present and near future, represented by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.

The project aims to respond to the training needs of schools in civic and technological education with an innovative approach aimed at deepening digital skills, integrating them with a wide range of issues related to economic and social development, including poverty, hunger, the right to health and education, access to water and energy, employment, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, climate change and environmental protection, urbanization, production and consumption patterns, social equality, justice, and peace.