About Us

About Us
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


The project

The CzRM platform, implemented by the Municipality of Genoa, places citizen experience at its core. The main objective is to ensure timely and accurate responses to citizens, communicating with the public administration in a simple manner through their preferred channel of communication, be it email, phone, and so on.

The Citizen Relationship Management (CzRM) is a multichannel solution designed to provide information and services to both citizens and professionals and businesses in the area. In addition to optimizing communication flows with the authority, the platform represents an innovation that simplifies access to services and improves interactions with the authority itself, while ensuring the security of data and the privacy of personal information.

From the municipality’s perspective, the CzRM enables centralized management of each case, improving service levels to citizens regardless of the communication channel used. Additionally, it allows for careful monitoring and reporting practices to ensure a constant improvement in the services offered.