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Healthy and Active Ageing through Life-Long Prevention and Innovation

The event “Healthy and Active Aging through Life-Long Prevention and Innovation” will take place on 12 July at Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture.

This event, organized by the G7 and the Ministry of Health, is an important opportunity to explore the theme of prevention for healthy and active aging, a fundamental priority of the G7 Health pathway. International experts from various professional fields will offer insights into innovations in the biomedical, digital, AI, and robotics sectors, all aimed at improving the quality of life during aging.


Panel 3 Program: “Investing in Life Long Prevention”Moderated by journalist Roberta Villa, it will feature distinguished speakers:

  • Graziano Onder, Head of Scientific Secretariat – Ministry of Health

  • Michele Cecchini, Health Policy Analyst – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  • Christine Brown, Head – World Health Organization (WHO) European Office for Investments for Health and Development

  • Masato Izutsu, Senior Coordinator of Global Health, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan


The event represents a unique opportunity to discuss healthcare innovations and analyze effective intervention strategies to ensure an improved quality of life towards longevity.