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States General of the Economy 2019

Time & Location

Dec 02, 2019, 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Ducal Palace, Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 9, 16123 Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

GENERAL STATES OF THE ECONOMY: towards #genovagenda Monday 2 December 2019 | 2.30 – 6.00 pm, Palazzo Ducale

Next 2 December, from 14.30 to 18.00, the III edition of the States General of the Economy will take place, in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio of Palazzo Ducale.

The States General of the Economy represent a moment of fundamental importance because on this occasion all the interlocutors and parties interested in working for the economic development of Genoa are called to meet.

In this edition, the Municipality’s objective is to propose a new method for identifying, managing and communicating projects which aim to implement the strategic guidelines of the City: port and logistics, high tech, tourism and culture, infrastructure.

An agenda for a Genoa that acts: #genovagenda.


1.30 pm-Welcome Coffee

2.30 pm– Report ofMarco Bucci, Mayor of Genoa

15.00– Projects for #genovagenda

1.George Metta, Scientific Director of the Italian Institute of Technology: Building the Robot Valley

2.Roberto Cingolani, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer Leonardo: Leonardo 2030, technological innovation plan

3.Andrea Boschetti, Founder Metrogramma: The Polcevera Park and the Red Circle

4.Mario DiMauro, Chief Executive Officer TIM Sparkle, The Bluemed submarine system: Genoa new digital hub between Europe, Africa and Asia

5.Alberto Maestrini, General Manager of Fincantieri: Fincantieri capsizing at sea

6.Albert friend, President of Amico & Co.: Genova Megayacht Hub

7.Alexander Pitt,President of Spediporto: The new Simplified Logistics Zone

8.Enrico Giunchiglia, Pro-Rector of the University of Genoa: The Center of the Sea

17.00– Feedback from the working city – Interview with the stakeholders of the economic system, participants in the States General, conducted byLuca Ubaldeschi, Director Century XIX

18.00– Conclusions ofJohn Toti, President of the Liguria RegionShow Less
