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Very young architects for a very Smart City

The project aimed at raising awareness among young people about objective 11 of the UN Agenda 2030 was presented today

The “Very young architects for a Very smart city” project was presented today at the Order of Architects of Genoa. The initiative, sponsored by the Genova Smart City Association and the Municipality of Genoa, is part of the Etwinning projects developed in Genoa by the Staglieno Comprehensive Institute and in Sanremo by the Sanremo Centro Levante Comprehensive Institute.

The objective is to educate and raise awareness among young people about objective 11 the eco-sustainable city and community of the UN 2030 Agenda. The Pecine School of Fiume in Croatia also participates in the project, developed in collaboration with the Order of Architects and the Renzo Piano Foundation.

By supporting this initiative, the Genova Smart City Association confirms its attention to the school’s world and its commitment to the education of young people on the issues of innovation and environmental sustainability.