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The Genoa Data Internet Exchange is born: opportunities and synergies

The presentation event of the Genova Data Internet Exchange will be held on Thursday 26 October from 2pm

The presentation event of Ge-DIX, the Genova Data Internet Exchange, will take place on Thursday 26 October from 2.00pm to 6.00pm, in the Salone di Rappresentanza of Palazzo Tursi.

The presence of international submarine telecommunications cable landings in Genoa offers fascinating possibilities for economic and social development for the city and the entire Liguria. This context led to the establishment of the Ge-DIX (Genova Data Internet eXchange) consortium, a collaboration between the Municipality of Genoa, Fastweb, BBBell, Liguria Digitale, Retelit, Rocket Way and TOP-IX (TOrino Piemonte Internet eXchange).

The meeting, organized by the Ge-Dix Consortium in collaboration with the Genova Smart City Association and the Municipality of Genoa, will be divided into 3 round tables: the first will address the members’ choice to invest in Genoa in relation to the landing of the cables submarines. Subsequently, space will be given to the university, entrepreneurial and research world to imagine possible relationships with Ge-DiX. Finally, the event will conclude with the interventions of the various actors who provide digital infrastructures, including fiber optic backbones, submarine cables and data centers, in order to identify synergies capable of bringing value to the local system.

At the end of the meeting, a networking aperitif will be held.

To participate you must register for the event via the following link: https://bit.ly/Ge-Dix