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Genoa-Santos: smart experiences and projects between Italy and Brazil

Genoa Smart CIty Association hosted a delegation from the Brazilian city of Santos to exchange projects and experiences in the smart city field

Yesterday, Thursday 5 October, the Genova Smart City Association had the honor of hosting a delegation from the Municipality of Santos, a Brazilian city and main port system in Latin America and the southern hemisphere, to exchange projects and experiences in the smart city field.

The meeting, organized with the support of the International Relations office of the Municipality of Genoa, represented an important moment of discussion and exchange of experiences on the strategies and main projects that the two cities are developing in different sectors: technology and innovation, sustainable mobility , port and logistics, urban regeneration, digitalisation, smart government, youth entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing, tourism and culture.

Participants: Glaucus Farinello, Councilor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Santos, Leonardo Figueiras Carvalho, Head of the Urban Regeneration Directorate of the Municipality of Santos, Eduardo Bittencourt, President of the Technology Park of Santos, Giampiero Biamino, manager of the Technology office of the Municipality of Genoa and coordinator of the Genova Smart City Association, Sebastiano Coenda, Genova Smart City Association, Gianluca Saba, International Relations Manager of the Municipality of Genoa, Giulia Lavinia Lupo, companion and interpreter of the delegation of the City of Santos.

The Genova Smart City Association thanks all the participants and renews its commitment to strengthening relations with Brazil, with Santos and with all the international entities involved in the development of smart cities, with the aim of bringing the world to Genoa and Genoa in the world.