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Charter of Ocean Rights: from Genoa to the UN

The document is the result of five years of work, which began in Genoa in 2018

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Oceans, also known as the Genoa Charter, was presented on September 18th at the United Nations headquarters in New York by the Deputy Mayor of Genoa, Pietro Piciocchi. This event took place in the context of initiatives related to the United Nations General Assembly week.

The Genoa Charter is the outcome of a five-year-long effort, which commenced in Genoa in 2018. This process involved over 150 experts and institutions from 35 different countries. The engagement of these stakeholders occurred through Ocean Summits and innovation workshops, contributing to the creation of the document.

The draft of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Oceans had previously been signed by the Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, in June during The Ocean Race Genoa – The Grand Final event, which also featured the final Ocean Summit.

The Genoa Charter represents a significant step forward in the promotion and protection of ocean rights and the sustainable management of marine resources on an international level. This document is the result of a global commitment to address challenges related to ocean conservation and the protection of the marine environment.

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