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RAISE (Robotics & AI for Socio-economic Empowerment)

The call for Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics is open.

The call dedicated to Research and Experimental Development in the sectors of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is open until 20 September 2023.

Each project, its activities and its results, will have to integrate with the activities currently underway at the RAISE Spokes, aiming at the creation of new products, services or processes of industrial relevance. The projects will have to demonstrate a high level of innovation through the development of enabling technologies that improve the competitiveness of the production and social system and favor the green and digital transition.

In particular, the call intends to foster sustainable, inclusive and resilient innovations in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for accessible and inclusive Smart Cities, for personal and remote healthcare, for the care and protection of the environment, and for wear green and smart.

For more information click here!