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Iren Loves Energy – Genova Edition

In a few days, Genoa will be the protagonist of Iren Loves Energy, the green event dedicated to families that combines sea, sustainability and fun

Iren Loves Energy – Genova Edition will be held on 25 June at the Govi Gardens in Genoa, in which adults and children will be able to participate in workshops and activities, play sports and be involved in making the gardens more beautiful and welcoming.

During the day you can admire the works of street artists and performances by skaters. In the afternoon, the initiative will be enlivened by performances by rappers, accompanied by hip hop dancers.

The event aims to represent a gesture of love for the city and for the environment, to raise awareness among adults and children about the protection of the sea, the correct disposal of waste and recycling.

Furthermore, at the entrance each person will receive a card on which a stamp will be affixed for each participation in the laboratories. Upon completion of the card, you can go inside The Ocean Race village to collect a free gadget and the certificate of participation.

For more information and registration click here!