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Digitization and logistics, the combination of our future

Monday 12 June, 9.30-12.30 the meeting of the Logistic Digital Community “Digitization and logistics, the combination of our future. Funding opportunities and support for companies”

The Conference is organized by the Logistic Digital Community promoted by the Confcommercio – Conftrasporto and chaired by Federlogistica as lead partner, with Consorzio Global as technical partner.

The event will show contributions and funding opportunities for companies on digital evolution: the debate will focus on the National Logistics Platform, on the concrete opportunities for companies, also thanks to huge allocations from the PNRR and the Infrastructural Funds, and therefore on the importance for supply chain companies to adopt winning and innovative paradigms to increase competitiveness.

Stakeholders and Technical Partners of exceptional importance will be present at the conference. To participate it is necessary to receive the invitation and provide confirmation of attendance. For those unable to attend in person, the event will also be broadcast in live streaming.

For more information click here.