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Submit your projects to the Genova Global Goals Awards

The deadlines for registering for the Genova Global Goals Awards have been extended. You have until March 29 to submit your sustainable development projects

The deadlines for registering for the Genova Global Goals Award, the contest inspired by the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN, have been extended to 29 March to demonstrate the commitment of businesses and schools to an increasingly smart, green and sustainable world.

During the final event, which will be held on April 18 at Palazzo Tursi, the finalists will compete in a speed debate in the presentation of projects imagined (Dream) and/or already implemented (Reality). The public present in the room will elect the winners. The prize, also in this edition, will be aimed at the regeneration of a common good or a space within the participating schools.

What are you waiting for? apply for your sustainable development project!
There is time until March 29th.

For registration: https://www.genovameravigliosa.com/