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Genova City Vision | May 4, 2023

A round table with representatives of the PA, experts and companies dedicated to data as a lever to better govern cities.

A round table with representatives of the PA, experts and companies dedicated to data as a lever to better govern cities. Knowledge of the territory through information is essential for public administrations. Because it is only in this way that conscious choices are made.

In the European Union, 80% of data is not used by the PA to offer better services to citizens. Governing data in a context of intelligent territory therefore requires releasing this potential, without neglecting all the necessary actions to protect security and privacy.

Thursday 4 May 2023, from 11:00 to 12:30, City Vision stops in Genoa to meet those who are working on the new frontiers of data. The meeting will be held at the Genova Blue District, via del Molo 65.

For more information: https://city-vision.it/evento/city-vision-genova/