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Projects and opportunities for businesses, Genova Smart City met Councilor Campora

Great success for yesterday’s event, “Genova Smart City meets Councilor Campora”. Many companies were present to discover some of the main projects of the Municipality of Genoa and the consequent opportunities for business

Projects, prospects, actions and local opportunities for businesses: these were the themes explored during the public meeting to which the Genova Smart City Association chaired by Daniela Ameri invited the councilor for transport, integrated mobility, environment, waste and energy Matteo Campora, the managing director for the new corporate settlements in the area Davide Falteri and the managing director of Iren Smart Solutions Roberto Conte. The heads of the companies of the Municipality of Genoa and the heads of the municipal departments involved took part with them in Palazzo Tursi: Ilaria Gavuglio (Amt), Giovanni Battista Raggi (Amiu), Massimiliano Cattapani (Genoese Pharmacies), Daniele Camino ( Bagni Marina Genovese), Michele Prandi (Environment Management) and Maria Cristina Carmeli (Mobility and Transport Management).

Yesterday’s appointment, moderated by Alfredo Viglienzoni, Director of Technologies, Digitization and Smart City, offered the opportunity to create an encounter between the public and private sectors, creating an osmosis and activating a virtuous circle. In this, which was the first of a series of further meetings, some of the main transport, mobility, environment, energy, new production plants and smart logistics projects were illustrated.

«We want to create an even stronger synergy between the Genova Smart City Association and all the investee companies representing different sectors, from digital infrastructures to the civil one up to the innovation sector. All together we can work to bring great results and improve our city with ideas, some of which are emerging right now – said the councilor for transport, integrated mobility, environment, waste and energy Matteo Campora -. From a public point of view, we have a large digital mobility infrastructure program and as far as energy is concerned, we need to intervene on photovoltaics and energy saving».

«Genova Smart City is an important association that aims to create an interface with citizens, helping them to better understand what the Administration has done but also to seize opportunities. The world is changing, becoming increasingly digital and multitasking and it is right that all segments of the population have the right information and tools. – said the managing director for the new corporate settlements in the area Davide Falteri -. Tourism and the port are absolutely among the main assets for our municipality».

«The Genova Smart City Association that I preside over is the only example in Italy of collaboration between the public and private sectors: it brings together all the institutions, research bodies, universities, trade associations, small, medium and large companies and the Start-ups – explained Daniela Ameri -. The Association supports the development of the city of Genoa as a Smart City, through a single discussion and planning table. It favors dialogue and comparison with other Italian and foreign cities. This meeting is the first of a series of appointments that I wanted to create with the protagonists of the sector, at a local, national and international level to develop business opportunities and common projects for local companies».