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Open Data, PA data becomes services

A public meeting dedicated to PA Open Data will be held on Tuesday 28 February at 2.30 pm at the Genova Blue District

What is Open Data? What are they for? The expression “open data” refers to information held, produced and updated by public administrations and made available free of charge to those who have an interest in reusing it, transforming the knowledge held by institutions into services that can be immediately used by citizens.

All data held by public bodies not subject to privacy constraints can be displayed in an open format, thanks to the attribution of an open license that allows its reuse, as well as the choice of a technological format that is in turn open and standardized.

The possibility of consulting open data allows citizens, to give a few examples, to know the quality of the air we breathe every day, public transport timetables, but also the budgets approved by their municipalities, and more.

These topics will be discussed on Tuesday 28 February at 2.30 pm at the Blue District, on the occasion of a meeting organized by the Digitization and Smart City Technologies Department of the Municipality of Genoa.

For more information and registration: click here!