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HUB IN Genoa: public notice of expression of interest

The Municipality of Genoa launches a public notice of expression of interest for an artistic and cultural production service of unconventional urban beautification interventions

As part of the HUB IN Project – Hubs of innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas – Horizon 2020, the Municipality of Genoa launches a public call for expressions of interest for an artistic and cultural production service for urban beautification interventions unconventional to be submitted by 14 April 2023 at 12:00.

The project aims to promote and adopt, as criteria for accelerating the ecosystem of historic urban areas, innovation, cultural and creative entrepreneurship, social inclusion, while preserving the unique identity of historic sites as regards their natural, cultural and social values.

To carry out the HUB-IN project, the Municipality of Genoa has identified a widespread HUB as a pilot area for experimentation, in correspondence with via di Pré, which represents an area with a high cultural value and historically home to commercial activities. The project aims to implement an innovative way of using the Pilot area described above, by visitors, inhabitants and citizens in general.

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